Insta Fabulous ~ If you're not familiar with Instagram, let me introduce you to my most recent obsession. Instagram is a photo app where people post snippets of their daily life. Being a writer my mind works in what I like to call an organized chaotic manner. When I am in a moment of life, (although I try to be present and enjoy every minute), there's a part of my mind that's thinking of how this will play back when I write it, tell it, or blog its picture! For my fellow life style and fashion blogger's it's a way we peek into each others worlds be it a blogger in your own town or someone on the other side of the world. We Instragram our pets and what we are eating, (don't dig into that until I snap a pic!) We Instagram our families, our tea and our outfits, our shoes and our offices, our treats and our inspirations. As artists we find the beauty in it all, capturing moments in time and sharing. So here's a share of some of my Instagram favorites. Follow me on Instagram @fromdrabtofab.

New purse and shoes from a recent bargain hunting trip downtown. The start of a new closet purge. Silver arm candy.
Hanging at the beach. Stripes and sequins. A beach wedding. Target scores, wedge sandal and great pencil case clutch now my new wallet.
Sprinkles cup cakes on the roof. My Torry Birch-ish flats. Gorgeous chandelier hanging in the Union Square Forever21 in SF. These stars lighting up the ceiling of a cafe in West Hollywood.
Daisy in her holiday duds. Farmers market haul. Fat Genevieve. Spa day up North with my sister in laws.
A colorful dinner made by my husband. Favorite spot, my pool raft. Me and my girl. Tribal leggings.
All pumped up. Soy Chai love. Stripes and sequins. On the set of my show From Drabulous to Fabulous.
Are you on Instagram?