Nothing is a better reminder to me of why to keep my closet organized than packing for a trip. I find that it takes 3x as long to pack if I've not purged in a while. So now that I'm trying to pack I realized I had started a spring closet purge post, (not to mention the actual purge itself), neither of which I finished. So this weekend I'll be organizing all of my new fab finds, and oh my, my, have I gotten my bargain on lately! I will share all the loot in future post ;) 
Can you imagine being this organized, that you have an outfit tagged for each day of the week!?! My bar's not set that high, I'll settle for making sure my earrings match, notoriously known for leaving the house with one gold and one silver hoop, not to mention the day I wore one black and one brown boot. In my defense the hoops and the boots were at least the same style.
THE PURGE! love it / hate it. Personally, I need to call for an interfriendtion just to help me with the decision making process of yay or nay. This time I even found a buried pile of tops that was deemed 'ney' last year that I took out of the charity bag and hid! Yes, I'm that bad! And I will admit that I occasionally buy something that's too tight and decide I need to shrink into it. Case in point, a $129 Calvin Klein sheath dress I'm in love with that I nabbed for $39.99 that still has the tags on it. (It's about to fit! thank you Tone It Up Girls!) BUT, if you are keeping several different sizes in your closet that is not good. If it doesn't fit and you don't want to give it away, pack it away, and keep one inspiring piece to motivate you.
Everything in your closet should make you feel fabulous. If you are standing there looking at a closet full of clothes saying you have nothing to wear it's a huge red flag. After all you're not walking around naked (I hope) which means that you don't like anything you have, why is that? It may be time to reassess your style.
- If it's ripped beyond repair, worn, pilled or old and looks it, out it goes.
- If it's ill fitting, no mater how much you try to loose or gain weight it just fits bad, toss it!
- It's really ugly and you can't remember buying it, you may have been drunk ~ buh bye.
- And my favorite rule which I use when I purge AND when I buy something new is to ask yourself this question. If you saw it on another women would you say oohhhh she looks fabulous or would you want to send her back to the closet! Trust me, this works every time.
It's out of site out of mind when it comes to accessories, if you see them you'll wear them. I was getting rid of an old jewelry cabinet but didn't know what I was going to do with all the necklaces I kept in it. My husband came up with the idea of re-using the wooden railings and hooks from the cabinet and hanging them inside my closet. A great DIY result. Hang hooks, nails, door knobs, cabinet pulls, even push pins to organize necklaces. I like divider boxes for my bangles as well as pretty bowels, a fun and decorative way to display your baubles. And a hanging earring bag with clear pockets is a must!

And if you're shooting for perfection there's always the beauty of matching hangers. I'm just shooting for nothing being on the floor :)