So, today was one of THOSE mornings, you know the type, the 7:00 AM walk with the dog doesn't happen until 8:00 and all of a sudden it's 9:30 and you're still not dressed, haven't had breakfast yet, you spill the cat food all over the floor, etc. Where did the time go!?!  UG.  Well, I managed to finally get going only to be derailed half way to work by a giant boulder that found it's way into my left eye.  After much wrestling my eye felt better but I had a pound of mascara rolling down half of my face.  But no biggie right?  Here I am all cleaned up and thinking it's a perfect time to step it up with some Oscar inspired jewels, at prices we can afford, of course.

Find all these goodies and more at LA Trunk Shows (link below) 

Oscar inspired - get the look for less at LATrunk Shows